Sunday, December 25, 2016

Health Benefits Of Soaked Almonds

Almonds are highly nutritional nut which is rich source of vitamin E, calcium, phosphorous, iron and magnesium. It also contains zinc, selenium, copper and niacin. Compared to all other nuts, they are the most packed with nutrients and beneficial components. Almonds are a source of many nutrients which help in the development and health of the human brain. They have been connected to a higher intellectual level and they have long been considered an essential food item for growing children. Also almonds are a fantastic source of many vitamins and minerals,phosphorous is also counted in them, which is considerable impact on the strength and durability of bones and teeth.Here we have put some important health benefits of soaked almonds, that may give benefits to everyone.

1) Almonds keep your heart healthy, reduce bad cholesterol and increase good cholesterol

2) They are a good source of antioxidants: Vitamin E present in soaked almonds works as an antioxidant which inhibits free radical damage that prevents ageing and inflammation.

3) Soaked almonds contain Vitamin B17 which is vital for fighting cancer.

4) Soaked almonds contain Vitamin B17 which is vital for fighting cancer.

5) Soaked almonds contain folic acid which reduces birth defects.

6) Help in lowering and maintaining glucose levels and regulating high blood pressure.

Hope you like the post, but we like to hear from you. So give your valuable comments to us. And if you know more benefits About Almonds share here.

Thursday, December 8, 2016

Best Home Remedies For Pink Lips

Loves Pink Lips? Yes Everybody. So today we will discuss home remedies for how to get pink rosy lips naturally just by using some Home Remedies. Lips are very sensitive part of the body and also it doesn’t have any oil glands to moisturize them so it needs a proper care. A number of ways are there to get rid of dark lips.
1) Aloe Vera

Take Aloe Vera Leaf peel off its outer layer to obtain the gel and scoop it into a container for storage. Use it as a lip balm multiple times every day and get naturally pink lips.

2) Turmeric Powder And Milk

Turmeric powder and milk cream will get you pink lips naturally. However, after having applied the mixture, you should make sure to apply some lip balm as a means to moisturize your lips.

3) Orange Peel

Save orange peel when next time you will eat an orange. Rub orange peel on lips for 2-3 minutes and wash it with normal water.
You also can choose another method, let dry and grind orange peels and when you want to apply that mix with milk and make a paste. Apply this paste for 5 minutes and clean it with water.
4) Make a paste of honey, yogurt, and gram flour and apply this on lips and leave it for 30 minutes. When it will be dry, rinse this with water. For best results follow this once daily for one month.
5) Cucumber

Just take one slice and rub this onto your lips and lips will automatically absorb the water and will give the mousiter to your lips.
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