Saturday, January 14, 2017

What Is Ayurveda?

Ayurveda is an age old Indian medical system. The word is derived from Sanskrit and roughly means ”Science Of Life”. Ancient physicians like charaka, Sushrut and Vagabhatta are belived to have set down the principles of Ayurveda .

According to Ayurveda, there are three “doshas” or humours in the body – Vata, pitta, and kapha. A person is healthy if all three are in harmony nd sick if they are out of tune. Ayurveda also gives importance to different types of food and their effects on digestion. These are sweet, sour, salty, bitter, spicy and hot.

The treatment is called Panchakarma. This is a combination of medicine, diet and different kinds of oil massage. The medicines are made from herbs, minerals, metals and contain ingredients of animal origin just like medicines in homoeopathy.
As with other systems of alternative medicines, Ayurveda has its critics in the scientific world. It also has many followers.

Fragrant Cure
In recent times, aromatherapy has found a number of believers. Aromatherapy involves inhaling the distilled vapour of various essential oils or directly applying the oils derived from flowers and plants, to cure everything from headaches and skin eruptions to cold and fever. Sandalwood oil,clove oil, basil (tulsi)have long been used for treating various ailments in India.

Healing touch

REIKI is a Japanese form of therapy that is similar to the ‘lying on of hands’. The healer places his hands on or over the part of the body that requires curing and channelizes his energy through the hands.

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