Saturday, June 11, 2016

Best Energy Booster

Energy boosters in summer


Watermelon is the number one food for a summer detox. It is extremely alkaline forming in the body and contains high amount of citrulline. This helps to create arginine which removes ammonia and other toxins from the body. Also watermelon is a good source of potassium which balances the high amounts of sodium which supports kidneys and is great when clensing.


Lemon is a wonderful stimulant to the liver and is a dissolvent of uric acid and other poisons.


Drink warm lime water with honey every morning as this stimulates the digestive system and helps to keep constipation away.

Green Tea

Drink lots of green tea which is loaded with polyphenols, which function as powerful antioxidant.


Drink milk in measures quantities but regularly. Milk contains a big package of nurients the especially important for bone health, which makes your body stronger while doing away with impurities.


Cucumber help flush toxins from the body. The high water content in cucumbers gets your urinary system moving.
Boost your immunity naturally by including following foods

Citrus Foods

citrus like oranges, grapefruit, lemons and limes are an excellent source of vitamin C which helps maintain the body’s defence against bacterial infections.

Turmeric is an anti-inflammatory, anto-oxidant, anti bacterial, detoxifying and amazing for digestive health.


Papaya is beneficial for those with digestive problems.


Ginge has potent antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. I helps to boost immune function and combat cellular damage.
Garlic- garlic is also an immune system warrior, protective the body from infections and illness.


Pineapple helps in protein digestion which allows your body to utilize immune boosting amino acids effectively.

Proteins nourish your immune system, repair the body and assist recovery.

Wheat Grass

Wheat grass juice help support liver and immune function by boosting the livers ability to flush out toxins.

Berries help promote healthy tissues and organs. So by including the above foods in your daily diet you stary getting improvement in your health.

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